Welcome to Rats-Inc.

We hope you enjoy your visit here. Please join or login if you have joined before.

Rats Inc.

This is a programming and assistance to the community. Our platform is dedicated to the free exchange of ideas, programming, and knowledge.

You are welcome to become a member of our community and support our growth. 

Contained in the forums are several areas of interest. PHP and Python, are the most generally used languages. HTML and CSS for those who are looking to expand and share their experiences in design and scripting.

Included are areas for Windows tips, tricks, and help content. We added an area for Rust as well, but we are not limiting the forums to restraints. If you have an interest and feel you want to contribute or suggest a forum, please feel free to ask anyone here to include it in the forums.

Programming can be fun and a little knowledge goes a long way.

Thanks for joining us today!


Rat (Brat Rat)

News from Rat

Up and Running!

While I just opened the site for the public, please note the content is not added in the forums and not much excitement happening...YET!

I am working on things but needed to open the site so you the general public can start visiting regularly. 

I hope you will take the time and become a member of my community and site.

I welcome your participation and getting to know you.

Brat Rat 

Random quote

"I am become death, shatterer of worlds", Robert J. Oppenheimer